Friday 10 August 2012

Brief encounter

Films. Music. Edinburgh Fringe. 

Seeing as it's been a while since I last updated, here's just a quick run-down of where I'm up to. 

At the time of my last post, I'd just started reacquainting myself with my guitar playing. The principle things I've learnt between then and now, however, are that my boyfriend's guitar's strings are far too hard for me to impress him with my picking - or even strumming - abilities, and that my nails grow far faster than I'd ever realised. These things take time.

The development on the film front (Matt Hilton's The Day) is that I've seen the final design for the posters...I think I speak for all actresses when I say that one's dream has just about been realised when your face dominates any kind of promotion for a motion picture. When I've secured permission, I will reveal all ('all' being a horizontal shot of myself in profile, with mine and my co-star's names as the header).

One of the dresses chosen by our director for me to appear in, in The Day

Vanity aside, news of the week is that I have booked a last-minute trip to Edinburgh, right in the middle of the Fringe festival. I sampled the festival for the first time last summer, and fell in love with both it and the city. I'd pretty much given up on the idea this year, when a good friend of mine told me we'd been invited by another friend to annexe a student flat for a few nights next week. Last year we wangled our way into two free BBC recordings for Radio 4, and I was - at one point- about a foot away from David Mitchell. I failed to catch his eye and shuffled off with my tail between my legs.

Me (almost) at the top of Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh

My collection of leaflets/posters/tickets from last year's Fringe

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